Chairman Steffen called the regular township meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll call of the Supervisors showed that Chairman Steffen, Supervisor Hanf and Supervisor Kmetz were present. Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to accept the previous month’s minutes as written with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes.
Treasurer’s Report is on file as well as posted on the back wall. Chairman Steffen made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Supervisor Kmetz and all Supervisors voting yes.
The bills are on file as well as posted on the back wall. Chairman Steffen made a motion to pay the bills with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes.
Police Report was given by Officer Bertholf and is on file.
Fire Report was given by Eugene Krause and is on file. Mr. Krause clarified that the fire department was classified as 501 (c) (3) which is needed to receive money from the American Rescue Plan.
Ambulance Report was given by Christin Krauss and is on file. Chairman Steffen inquired if 40 calls per month was their average and Ms. Krauss replied it was. Chairman Steffen asked what their designation for non-profit was. Ms. Krauss explained that they were designated 501 (c) (3) but they had lost that designation and were working on getting it back by having audits done for past years that hadn’t been filed. Ms. Krauss stated that they were also working on getting Advanced Life Support equipment. Chairman Steffen stated he attended the meeting for the forming of a regional ambulance service on May 26th. He stated the meeting focused on how this would be accomplished and how to get ALS or fast car service.
Chairman Steffen asked if the township collected a 2% ambulance tax. He was informed that the township does not have an ambulance tax. Attorney Waldron explained it was .5 without any authorization but you can go as high as 2% if it is put on a referendum.
Road Report was given by Road Master Kmetz and is on file. Ms. Krauss asked about putting a sign up going to their ambulance building. Road Master Kmetz stated that he would look into the matter and the Board waived any permit fees. Supervisor Hanf made a motion to accept the bids from Chemung Supply for 175 feet of guiderail for Gravity Road in the amount of $2,930.70 with a second by Supervisor Kmetz and all Supervisors voting yes.
The Road Bids for the paving of Garfield Avenue, Roosevelt Drive, Oak Street and Rocky Run Road were opened with Leeward Construction coming in at $98,892.00 and Wayco, Inc. at $64,194.08. Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to award to bid to Wayco, Inc. in amount of $64,194.08 with a second Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes.
Correspondence The Township received its normal newsletters, pamphlets, brochures and magazines that are posted on the back wall. Received a letter from the Wayne County Department of Planning approving the Ortiz subdivision with minor corrections. The township received Hawley Area Authority minutes.
Zoning Report was given by Mr. Natale and is on file. He went on to say that Soaring Eagle who is leasing the property from the Stourbridge Railroad is running a retail outlet at the corner of Route 6 and Columbus Avenue. Northeast Inspection Consultants stated that it was clearly a violation and has issued a Stop Work Order which Soaring Eagle operators have totally disregarded. Mr. Natale went on to say that Northeast Inspection Consultants as well as Soaring Eagle owners have involved their attorney’s. The property that is involved is in the Rural Residential and needs a Conditional Use hearing. It was decided that Attorney Treat would contact Northeast Inspection Consultants.
Attorney Waldron was here with Martha Diezemann of ECA SOLAR to do a presentation on the Community Solar Program. He stated the property is owned by Mark Strasser and is located behind Woodland Avenue with 75 to 80% of the property in Palmyra Township-Wayne County with the rest in Hawley Borough. Ms. Diezemann stated that her company is interested in purchasing the above mentioned property.
She went to say that approximately 13,000 panels would be installed that produce 5 megawatts of power per panel that could deliver electricity to 700 homes. She explained that most of trees on the property would remain and the company would use the already in place access road and there will no building involved.
Attorney Waldron stated ECA SOLAR needed to clarify if the solar farm would fall under Conditional Use or Special Exception since it is not specified in are Zoning Ordinance. After some discussion Solicitor Treat recommended that it fall under the Conditional Use process with The Board agreeing.
Mr. Natale stated that what Solicitor Treat recommended for ECA SOLAR in the above paragraph would also apply to a party interested in putting a solar farm on Long Ridge Road.
Planning Commission - Gary Flood informed the Board that he had made the corrections required by the Wayne County Department of Planning for the Ortiz subdivision. Chairman Steffen made a motion to approve the lot consolidation of the Ortiz’s with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes.
Ned Sader representing Harmony in the Woods informed the Board that they had met all the requirements of the Conditional Use with one exception the sound test. It was decided that Chairman Steffen, Mr. Sader and Mr. Natale would get together one evening during the week of June14th.
Mr. Natale informed the Board that the Planning Commission will be meeting on June 8th for another lot consolidation as well as a Conditional Use for the owner of 6 Roosevelt Drive who wants to open a café at her place of business.
Emergency Management - Supervisor Hanf stated there is nothing to report.
Crime Report - Supervisor Kmetz stated there was nothing to report.
Solicitor’s Report - Mr. Treat stated that the inter-municipal agreement for the formation of the regional ambulance would need to be discussed at another meeting or at a workshop meeting. It was decided to have a workshop meeting at 6:00PM on July 5th.
Public Comment - None
Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to adjourn at 7:30PM with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes. The next scheduled meeting is July 5, 2021 at 6:30 PM. Workshop to be held at 6:00PM.