Chairman Steffen called the Conditional Use Hearing for Carachilo, Inc. to order at 5:15PM. A full transcript of the hearing is on file in the township office.
Black and Brass withdrew both applications for their Conditional Use Hearings.
Chairman Steffen called the regular township meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll call of the Supervisors showed that Chairman Steffen, Supervisor Hanf and Supervisor Kmetz were present. Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to accept the previous month’s minutes as written with a second by Chairman Steffen and Supervisor Kmetz voting yes with Supervisor Hanf abstaining due to not being at last month’s meeting.
Treasurer’s Report is on file as well as posted on the back wall Chairman Steffen made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes.
The bills are on file as well as posted on the back wall. Chairman Steffen made a motion to pay the bills with a second by Supervisor Kmetz and all Supervisors voting yes.
Supervisor Kmetz brought to the Board’s attention that our Zoning Officer Mr. Natale was not given a raise in January of this year and he requested that Mr. Natale be given an increase in salary. Chairman Steffen made a motion to give Mr. Natale a raise from $14.00 an hour to $15.50 per hour with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes.
Police Report was given by Officer Bertholf and is on file.
Fire Report was given by Eugene Krause and is on file.
Ambulance Report was given by Chairman Steffen and is on file. He stated he was unable to attend the regional ambulance meeting.
Road Report was given by Road Master Kmetz and is on file. Road Master Kmetz stated he will be meeting with a Penn Dot official for road paving projects on May 6th. He informed the Board that he will be getting a price on guide rails for Gravity Road. He stated that the township will be buying the 2015 truck with plow and spreader from Gibson Township-Susquehanna County for $52,000.00. The township will be able to pick up the truck once Gibson Township receives their new truck sometime between September and November. Solicitor Treat stated that a memo should be drawn up stating the selling price as well as stipulating that no more than 3,000 miles should be put on the truck. Ms. Powderly will write up the memo.
Correspondence The Township received its normal newsletters, pamphlets, brochures and magazines that are posted on the back wall. Received a letter from Attorney Spall stating that Black and Brass were withdrawing their 2 Conditional Use applications.
Zoning Report was given by Mr. Natale and is on file. He asked the Board to waive the permits fees for Lake Region EMS who is planning a food carnival fair. Chairman Steffen made a motion to waive the permit fees for Lake Region EMS with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes. Mr. Natale requested permission to remove the garbage on Halliday Drive. Chairman Steffen made a motion to allow the garbage to be removed with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes.
Chairman Steffen stated that prior to our regular meeting a Conditional Use Hearing was held for Carachilo, Inc. who were requesting that a carnival ride be allowed at their location in the IGA parking lot. Chairman Steffen made a motion to allow the ride with three (3) conditions:
1. A copy of the letter of approval from PP&L allowing them to put the ride in PP&L’s right-of-way. The letter of approval should be received by the township within 30 days.
2. The Township receive a copy of the itinerary that is filed with the Department of Agriculture.
3. The hours of operation for the ride would be concurrent with their hours of operations for the food stand which are Thursday through Sunday from 11:00AM to 7:00PM.
with a second Supervisor Kmetz and all Supervisors voting yes.
Public Comment - None
Planning Commission - Mr. Natale stated that the Planning Commission will be meeting on May11, 2021, for lot consolidation.
Emergency Management - Supervisor Hanf stated there is a quarterly meeting coming up that he will be attending.
Crime Report - Supervisor Kmetz stated there was nothing to report.
Solicitor’s Report -Mr. Treat stated the requested documentation from Lake Region EMS was received and that he had reviewed it. A copy of all the records are on file in the township office.
Mr. Natale informed the Board that the Pines Tavern was being bought by Mr. Shook and the Conditional Use that is attached to the property will die when the deed is transferred.
Public Comment - None With no further business, Chairman Steffen made a motion to adjourn at 6:51 PM with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes. The next scheduled meeting is June 7, 2021 at 6:30 PM.