Chairman Steffen called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Roll call of the Supervisors showed that Chairman Steffen and Supervisor Kmetz were all present. Supervisor Hanf was excused for the evening. Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to accept the previous month’s minutes with a second by Chairman Steffen and all Supervisors voting yes.
Treasurer’s Report was given by Ms. Powderly and is on file as well as posted on the back wall. Chairman Steffen made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Supervisor Kmetz and all Supervisors voting yes.
Police Report was given by Officer Bertholf and is on file.
Fire Report was given by Scott Mead and is on file.
Ambulance Report - No one was present . Report will be placed on file once received. PP and H ambulance services meeting took place last month. They are currently working on obtaining qualifications needed to proceed with the intermunicipal ambulance corporation. Articles of corporation will hopefully be obtained and completed before next month’s meeting.
Road Report was given by Road Master Kmetz and is on file. The stop sign discussed in last month’s meeting , a top Long Ridge Road , was fixed on April 11 th . Escalation clause has been completed and will be attached to all upcoming bids to protect the township for the rising cost in road materials. Road bids will all be done separately as to make it possible to complete one project at a time should the cost of materials be too much to complete them all.
Correspondence - The Township received its normal newsletters, pamphlets, brochures and magazines that are posted on the back wall. Hawley Area minutes were also received.
Zoning Report was given by Paul Natale.
Conditional Use Hearing Last months conditional use hearing was revisited for Tree Top Getaways. There are 7 conditions Tree Top Getaways must adhere to in order to move forward. The conditions must be met in order to receive a permit. In summary, the 7 conditions are as follows; Lots must be consolidated , approved design and build of onsite septic system prior to the permit of occupancy , max of 7 glamping sites, parking spots - 2 roughly 9x19 per structure , signage /verbiage posted on trespassing on neighboring propert ies with a copy to be given to the township , post township noise ordinance, and months of operations April 1 -Dec 31. Chairman Steffen made a motion to approve and finalize the 7 conditional uses for Tree Top Getaways and allow Mr. Treat to formally respond to the permittee with said conditions and actions needed, a second was given by Supervisor Kmetz. All supervisors voting yes.
Report of Digitizing Records was given by Paul Natale.
Emergency Management - Nothing to report.
Solicitor’s Report - Attorney Jeff Treat stated that he has worked on and presented an outline of a Short-Term (29 day) Rental ordinance for the supervisors to look over. He suggests that we start to work on Short Term Rental Ordinances as soon as possible as neighboring communities have had many complications with short term rental properties including health and safety , septic issues , and disturbances . The se short-term rental ordinances have taken many months to adopt and pass in other townships . All supervisors received a copy of the outline for the short-term rental ordinance to look over and consider what they would like to change/add to the ordinance before a final draft is written.
Public Comment Mr. Mark Posdon from Sutter Court same to discuss a ditch located in the front part of his property. Pictures were provided and will be filed with the minutes. He stated that the ditch is large and deep causing tree roots to rot and lift. He claimed he has been filling this ditch with leaves and rock/hard materials. Mr. Posdon said he was approached inappropriately and is upset he was asked to remove the last load of leaves that he has used to fill the ditch. He stated that the leaves are a base he has used since filling from the top and he had no complaints when he did that portion of the ditch . Chairman Steffen discussed the road slopes and grade with Supervisor Kmetz and Mr. Posdon. The board agreed for Mr. Posdon to remove the leaves from the ditch and proceed with filling in the ditch with coarse materials keeping the ditch and road at the proper grades and slopes.
Chairman Steffen made a motion to adjourn at 7: 00 PM with a second by Supervisor Kmetz and all Supervisors voting yes.
Next scheduled meeting is June 6 , 2022, at 6:30 PM.