Chairman Steffen called the Conditional Use Hearing to order at 6:15 PM for Valley Glass and Copper.
Roll call of Supervisors showed Mike Hanf to be excused all other supervisors were present.
Valley Glass and Copper has asked for the conditional use hearing in order to open a showroom and workshop in the building located on Roosevelt Drive. Valley Glass and Copper offers full glass service, automotive not included, and make copper doors and art in the shop. Valley Glass and Copper plans to purchase the property if the conditional use is granted, hook up to the sewer as well as revamp the inside and outside of the building and add new signs.
There are only a few employees between the showroom floor and the service/garage area and estimated customer flow is minimal for the showroom, so Valley Glass and Copper has plenty of available parking for all. After hearing from Valley Glass and Copper, and all Supervisors questions answered, this matter will be tabled until the Board of Supervisors meeting at 6:30 PM. Meeting was closed at 6:22 PM.
Chairman Steffen called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to accept the previous month’s minutes with a second by Chairman Steffen and all Supervisors voting yes.
Treasurer’s Report was given by Ms. Powderly and is on file as well as posted on the back wall. An Ambulance Tax Savings Account has been opened at Dime Bank. Chairman Steffen made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Supervisor Kmetz and all Supervisors voting yes. Chairman Steffen requested that a payment of $5,000 be made to the PPH Ambulance fund to help cover the expenses that were incurred during the setup of the LLC and accounts. This was added to the bill list to be paid.
Bill list was read. Chairman Steffen made a motion to pay bill list #10 with a second from Supervisor Kmetz all supervisors voting yes. Resolution 22-01 Act 57 Property Tax Penalty Waiver Provisions which gives taxpayers a right to waive penalties to tax bills if certain criteria are met. Chairman Steffen made a motion to adopt Resolution 22-01with a second made by Supervisor Kmetz and all supervisors voting yes.
Police Report - Mr. Bertholf was present, and report is on file.
Fire Report - Gene was present, and report is on file.
Ambulance Report - No one was present Chairman Steffen stated that Supervisor Mike Hanf will be an alternate member for the PPH Ambulance Services. By way of motion, Chairman Steffen requested the board vote Supervisor Mike Hanf as an alternate member for PPH Ambulance Services, with a second by Supervisor Kmetz, and all Supervisors voting yes.
Road Report was given by Road Master Kmetz and is on file. The Wayne County Grant in the amount of $21,000 has been received to work on Beechnut Drive. Pipe and material have been purchased and work has begun and will be completed in a few days. The paving of Beechnut will not occur until 2023 and at that time the township will receive the remaining $9,000 to complete the project.
Correspondence - The Township received its normal newsletters, pamphlets, brochures and magazines that are posted on the back wall. Wayco Inc, notified the township that they will be renewing their Hot Asphalt Plant Application.
Zoning Report was given by Paul Natale. Middle Creek Quarry has officially withdrawn their application for expansion.
Brad Jones from Preferred Management was present and presented the township with an overview of his company and what they do with the business of short-term rentals. He was able to answer all the board’s questions and concerns with short term rentals and the proposed agreement.
Mr. Jones informed us of all the advantages of what his company does. The board has decided to hold a workshop on Oct 11, 2022, with the planning commission in order to talk and discuss the next steps in obtaining an ordinance that works not only for the people of the township but for the safety of the township and its short-term renters and short-term rental owners.
Planning Commission Planning Commission will meet on Tues October 11, 2022, to discuss Short-Term Rental Ordinance.
Conditional Use Hearing - Previous to tonight’s meeting Valley Glass and Copper went before the board to present their plan to open a showroom and workshop on Roosevelt Drive. After consideration by the board, they have decided to grant this request with the conditions that Valley Glass and Copper hook up to the main town sewer and adhere to the sign ordinance. The board of supervisors is happy to welcome the new business into our area.
Chairman Steffen made motion to accept the Valley Glass and Copper conditional use application for a showroom and workshop on Roosevelt drive with a second by Supervisor Kmetz, and all supervisors voting yes.
Report of Digitizing Records was given by Paul Natale.
Emergency Management - Nothing to report
Crime Watch - Nothing to report
Solicitor’s Report - There was further discussion of the revision to the Palmyra Township Zoning Map. An Amendment has been drawn up with all corrections to be made to the map to put the map back to the way it was represented in 2002. Next steps are to inform all neighboring properties, and then post on the property. Then the amendment can be delivered to the county. A motion was made by Chairman Steffen to draft an amendment to update the Palmyra Township Zoning map, a second was made by Supervisor Kmetz and all supervisors voting yes.
Public Comment - Question is where the PPH Ambulance payment would be coming from. It will be coming from the Ambulance Tax Saving Account.
Chairman Steffen made a motion to adjourn at 7:08 PM with a second by Supervisor Kmetz and all Supervisors voting yes.
Next scheduled meeting is Monday November 7, 2022, at 6:30 PM.