Chairman Steffen called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll call of the Supervisors showed all Supervisors were present. Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to accept the previous month’s minutes with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes.

Treasurer’s Report was given by Ms. Powderly and is on file as well as posted on the back wall. Chairman Steffen made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes. The remaining Cares Act money will begin to be dispersed as of September 12, 2022 into townships accounts.

Bill list was read. Chairman Steffen made a motion to pay bill list #9 with a second from Supervisor Kmetz all supervisors voting yes. A reimbursement of $2,930.70 to the State Road account from the general fund was documented from an incident regarding guide rails being placed roadside and not receiving permission first from PennDot as these were not pre-existing guide rails. Townships can replace guide rails without any permission needed from PennDot but are not able to place guide rails where they do not pre-exist without first gaining permission.

Police Report - Mr. Bertholf was present, and report is on file.

Fire Report - Mr. Mead was present, and report is on file.

Ambulance Report - Ken Morrison and Sarah MacDougall were present, and report is on file. Mr. Morrison provided the township with an overview of what the Hawley Ambulance has been doing to ensure the future safety and service to our township. Ms. MacDougall also supplied the township with ambulance calls for the last 3 months as no one had been present for those meetings.

Road Report was given by Road Master Kmetz and is on file. Supervisor Kmetz stated that he would like to participate in the Commissioners of Wayne County American Rescue Plan, which is a grant given by Wayne County, up to a maximum of $30,000 to complete an infrastructure project meeting the grants qualifications.
A letter of intent will be drafted by Lois Powderly and Supervisor Joe Kmetz and sent to Vicky Botjier at the Wayne County Courthouse proposing our plan to repair Beechnut Drive with a new 40 foot long, 4-foot-wide, plastic drainage pipe that will be covered with modified immediately and paved in the future to help storm water runoff from deteriorating Beechnut Drive any further.
Ciccone and the township will be providing all the work force for this project. Supervisor Kmetz also stated that there is a problem on Rocky Run Road where the township will need to ditch along the road, clean out the pipe, dig ditch further down the road, and communicate with Berlin Township so they can continue the ditch properly in their township.
Supervisor Kmetz will need permission from property owners on Rocky Run to use their property for traffic to pass and would like to have it in writing.
Assistant Secretary Shayla Gouger has been water sealing the from ramps of the office building.

Correspondence - The Township received its normal newsletters, pamphlets, brochures and magazines that are posted on the back wall. Wayne County Association of Township Officials Fall Convention is set for October 12, 2022, at Lukans Farm in Hawley Pa. The township officials will be attending this conference. $2,930.70 has confirmed to be deposited with a letter from PennDot.

Zoning Report was given by Paul Natale. ECA Solar has withdrawn from the proposed purchase of land as they were unable to come to an agreement with PP&L that would have been beneficial to ECA Solar.
No one was able to attend the meeting for a presentation on the proposed management agreement for short term rentals. This will remain on the table for further discussion. Supervisor Kmetz suggested a workshop with the township supervisors and the planning commission to work on details of the townships short term rentals. This is tentatively set for September 15, 2022.

Planning Commission Planning Commission will meet on Tues September 15th. They will be discussing a conditional use on a building for retail/showroom use on the corner of Roosevelt Drive and will also be hearing from Attorney Rich Henry regarding the expansion of Middle Creek Quarry.

Conditional Use Hearing - None

Report of Digitizing Records was given by Paul Natale.

Emergency Management - Nothing to report

Crime Watch - Nothing to report

Solicitor’s Report - There was no discussion of the Cares Act money being used for establishment of the ambulance services.

Public Comment - None

Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to adjourn at 7:00 PM with a second by Supervisor Hanf and all Supervisors voting yes. Next scheduled meeting is Monday October 3, 2022, at 6:30 PM.