Chairman Steffen called the board of supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll call showed all Supervisors were present.


Last month’s minutes for the previous month were reviewed as written. Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to accept the previous month’s minutes, with a second by Supervisor Bartleson and all supervisors voting yes.


Due to an oversight, the Official adoption of the Short-Term Rental Ordinance 2024-04 is to be July 1, 2024. All supervisors agree with the final draft as no changes have been made since our last discussion of the ordinance. Chairman Steffen makes a motion to sign and adopt the Short-Term Rental Ordinance 2024-04 to take effect July 1, 2024, with a second from Supervisor Bartleson and all Supervisors voting yes.


Resolution 2024-3 Traffic Study for Route 6&590 was presented. This resolution is to initiate a traffic light study on the timing on the signal at Route 6 and 590. This resolution was provided by Mr. Jeff Treat as the BOS did not feel confident in signing the PennDot Maintenance Agreement and Resolution as the BOS felt “maintenance” was not what we were requesting. Chairman Steffen made a motion to accept Resolution 2024-3 Traffic Study with a second from Supervisor Kmetz and all supervisors voting yes.


The Treasurer’s Report was given by Shayla Gouger and is on file as well as posted on the back wall. Chairman Steffen made a motion to accept the treasurers report with a second by Supervisor Bartleson and all supervisors voting yes.


Bill List number #7 was presented. Chairman Steffen made a motion to pay the bill list with a second by Supervisor Kmetz and all supervisors voting yes.


Supervisor and Roadmaster Kmetz asked to receive new insurance cards for all the trucks as we have renewed the policy and don’t tend to get them without asking the insurance company first.


Police Report was given by Officer Robinson and is on file. Chairman Steffen asked about jurisdiction of the local police and if they can do wellness checks. Officer Robinson stated he can go to the door and ask if everyone is ok. Paul asked about performing a physical inspection like for instance unlivable conditions. Officer Robinson stated that they are not allowed to enter the residence unless there is a warrant, or they are willingly let in.


Fire Report was given by Scott Mead and is on file. PPH Ambulance Report was provided by Chairman Steffen. There will be a detailed report after the July meeting.


Road Report was given by Roadmaster Kmetz and is on file. Roadmaster Kmetz stated that there was a car counter found on the dirt road section of Vine St. This counter was placed there for a total of 2 days. Public Comment none currently. Correspondence The Township received its normal newsletters, pamphlets, brochures, and magazines. Shayla asked about the status of the traffic light project on 590 and Owego. Supervisor Kmetz stated he has no updated information at this time. Shayla has spoken with the quarries about the possibility of a light and what some of their concerns were. A letter from Paupack has been received explaining their stand on the light and how they do not wish to contribute.


Public Comment Nothing currently.


Zoning Report was given by Paul Natale for the month. Paul received a complaint about the property 306 Columbus Ave. After investigation, Paul discovered the property is in deplorable conditions. It is dangerous and uninhabitable. He presented pictures of the house to the BOS. These photos are on record. A motion by Chairman Steffen was made to allow Paul to send a letter in accordance with the Ordinances, to the property owner advising them of the Dangerous Building Violations, with a second from Supervisor Kmetz, and all Supervisors voting yes.


The Planning Commission has nothing to report. No meeting in July as thought.


Report of Digitizing Records has nothing to report.


Emergency Management has nothing to report.


The Solicitor’s Report Mr. Treat has received a certified letter from Sheri Pattero on Old Gravity. The letter stated Sheri had observed running raw sewage across the street during the wintertime that she claims stems from the septic of the neighboring property. Chris Martin has been sent to the location for investigation. He did not find any signs of a faulty sewer system. He will be sending an email to Mr. Treat to state as such. Chris Martin felt that the property itself was in deplorable condition. BOS is concerned with the welfare of the young tenants of this property. There will be further investigation into this matter.


Final Call for Public Comment


Motion to adjourn at 7:00 pm by Chairman Steffen with a second by Supervisor Kmetz and all supervisors voting yes.


Next scheduled meeting is Monday August 5, 2024, at 6:30 PM.