Chairman Steffen called the board of supervisors meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Roll call showed all Supervisors were present.


We begin the meeting with the conditional use hearing for Total Energies and the proposed solar farm on Long Ridge Road. Solicitor Treat explains to the community how to properly speak on record (stating your name and address) and states that all needs have been met by Total Energies for the conditional use hearing to take place. The attending community and the applicants, Total Energies, are sworn in for this hearing.

Tad McFarland is the attorney for Total Energies. Alex Fox and Chad Lelell are here to testify for Total Energies. Testimony is heard from Total Energies and from the community.


The BOS was diligent in asking the appropriate questions that many community members have showed concern about. There were many upset and concerned constituents at the meeting. Most were upset about the view of the solar farm from Highland Fields, and the health risks that could come from the solar farm. After over 2 hours of testimony and questions from the constituents the meeting comes to an official close. Motion to close the official record of the conditional use hearing is made by Chairman Steffen, with a second from Supervisor Kmetz and all supervisors voting yes. (A full official record of this meeting can be found at the township office.) A 5-minute break is taken.


Regular Monthly meeting starts. Last month’s minutes were reviewed as written. One correction is that the meeting attended at Lukan’s was the Wayne County Association of Township Supervisors Meeting not the Wayne County Commissioners Meeting. Supervisor Kmetz made a motion to accept the previous month’s minutes after the correction is made, with a second by Supervisor Bartleson and all supervisors voting yes.


Budget has been presented for 2025. Shayla has requested a motion to post the ad to the public about the 2025 Budget. A motion was made by Chairman Steffen to allow Shayla to post the Budget ad, with a second from Supervisor Bartleson and all supervisors voting yes.


Shayla has also requested the BOS allow her to place an ad for a CPA for the 2024 Audit. Motion has been moved by Chairman Steffen with all supervisors voting yes.


The Treasurer’s Report was given by Shayla Gouger and is on file as well as posted on the back wall. Chairman Steffen made a motion to accept the treasurers report with a second by Supervisor Kmetz and all supervisors voting yes.


Bill List number #11 was presented. Chairman Steffen made a motion to pay the bill list with a second by Supervisor Bartleson and all supervisors voting yes.


Police Report was given by Shayla and is on file.


Fire Report was given by Shayla and is on file. White Mills has responded to the request for calls they handle in Palmyra Township. They have been on 44 calls from January 1, 2024, until October 15, 2024


PPH Ambulance Report has nothing to report. Meeting on November 25, 2024. Details to follow next month.


Road Report was given by Roadmaster Kmetz and is on file.


Correspondence The Township received its normal newsletters, pamphlets, brochures, and magazines. Wayne County Agency of Aging is looking for donations to support their cause and services. Wallenpaupack North Intermediate School has invited all Veterans to their Veterans Day Celebration on November 11, 2024, at 7 p.m. Middle Creek Quarry has sent an approval of an inspection application. This application approval is on file. is a mass emergency text application. They asked if we would like to sign our township up. $1500 fee for the yearly subscription. A $500 set up fee could be waived as a one-time gesture.


The Weitzman Metal recycle check has been received in the amount of $669.88. The BOS have decided after discussion to split the check between 3 food pantries in our area. The food pantries will be Honesdale, Lakeville, and Queen of Peace in Hawley. Each pantry will receive $223.30. The motion to split the check between the food pantries was made by Supervisor Kmetz, with a second from Chairman Steffen and all supervisors voting yes.


Planning Commission has a meeting on Tuesday November 12, 2024, concerning a subdivision/lot consolidation.


Zoning Report was given by Paul Natale for the month. Paul has started civil action on 306 Columbus Ave. Kevin Wallers’ property is in the transition of being sold. Chairman Steffen made a motion to allow solicitor Treat and Paul, to continue with the litigation on the Waller property and inform the new potential buyers of the violations that will transition with the sale of the property with a second from Supervisor Kmetz and all supervisors voting yes.


Public Comment A Highland Fields resident has asked Joe if he could take care of the cracks that have formed in the roads in the Highland Fields area. Joe states that he will be looking to borrow the shared tar buggy to fix those cracks.


Transfer of the Liquor License Attorney Jack Spall and Foul Line LLC, has requested a hearing in front of the BOS concerning a liquor license transfer from Texas Township to Palmyra Township. Mr. Spall has sent a petition to have this hearing. A copy of the letter sent by Attorney Spall and paperwork submitted by Marty Kirsten have been submitted to the BOS as the application. Shayla states that she feels the paperwork received does not qualify as an adequate application.


Mr. Jeff Treat states that he has spoken with Attorney Spall, and they feel that the petition received from Foul Line LLC should be enough for an application. Chairman Steffen made a motion to have a hearing for Wallenpaupack Bowling Alley (Foul Line LLC) at 6 pm on December 2, 2024, with a second from Supervisor Kmetz and all supervisors voting yes.


Board of Supervisors go into executive session to discuss the Conditional Use Hearing that took place at the beginning of the meeting for Total Energies solar farm. Let the record reflect that we had an executive session called by the Chairman to discuss the Conditional Use Hearing made by Total Energies for a proposed solar farm. During the session Solicitor Treat answered various questions presented by the BOS concerning the solar farm.


At this time Chairman Steffen has made a motion to deny the application proposed by Total Energies, as it presents an undue burden to the local community and if this process would go forward it would not be in conjunction with what the BOS feels is in the best for the rural residential community, the property value of the neighboring properties would decrease, it also does not include any beneficial development of the community or the preservation of the land, with a second from Supervisor Kmetz and all supervisors voting yes.


Cares Act Money Joe will be purchasing a trailer. The trailer will be under $10,000 and this will be an equipment trailer. Supervisor Bartleson has been paid for his work on the new garage and there are some more materials to be purchased. Wayco will be submitting a bill to pave the front parking lot. Discussion of what to do with the remaining funds will be determined at the December meeting.

In the meantime, Shayla was asked to get quotes on a new floor for the meeting room and for cushioned folding chairs.


Report of Digitizing Records has nothing to report.


Emergency Management has nothing to report.


The Solicitor’s Report Attorney Treat has reached out to Charles Strait’s attorney to see what Mr. Strait is looking for to rectify the situation. He has not heard anything back currently. Mr. Treat feels that we need to update the wording in our zoning ordinance to make the ordinance easier to read and understand.


Final Call for Public Comment

Supervisor Kmetz has asked if we received any updates or money from the short-term rental company Property Management. Shayla stated that when she calls the company there are no current updates. The BOS would like to see this in writing.


Motion to adjourn at 8:35pm by Supervisor Kmetz with a second by Chairman Steffen and all supervisors voting yes


Next scheduled meeting is Monday December 2, 2024, at 6:00 PM with the hearing for Foul Line LLC, Marty Kirsten, concerning a Liquor License transfer to Wallenpaupack Bowling Alley.